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B10-6342713, WIT SPOOK GEERINCKX, SUPERPRODUCER, daughter from B02-6354241, WITTEKOP SYLVESTER, foundation cock no. 1 for L.B.J. Geerinckx, sire of an immense series of Champions and Champion producers, son of B95-6279487 ZWARTE SLAETS, grandson Panter and B94-6366938, Wittekop Pootje, daughter Grote Witte, 4x 1st from the supers of Jos Soontjes. Her dam is B06-6346110, BLUE STAR, top racing hen 3rd Noyon 430 birds, 6tnh Noyon 566 birds, 5th Montlucon 1.700 birds, 8th Argenton 3.144 birds, 41st Issodun 4.627 birds, 61st Argenton 5.208 birds, 64th Argenton 5.927 birds…fabulous daughter of B97-6157666, WITPEN ORLEANS topracer/breeder winner 2x first place and B97-6157700, SCHOONBLAUW 009, nestsister Blauwe Beer from Vale 009 …foundation stock for L.B.J. Geerinckx.
First year of breeding WIT GEERINCKX bred no less than 3 FIRST PRIZES WINNERS 1st Troyes 599 birds, 1st Marche 457 birds, and 1st Rethel 368 birds and this possible best breeding daughter of WITTEKOP SYLVESTER is proving this every year again, by producing winners and champions up to 3rd generation!!
The No. 1 daughter of WITTEKOP SYLVESTER initially breeding with her in partnership with Jo and Florian Hendriks with the superstar ASTERIX, she was transferred to us for a big sum in 2014. She is worth every penny paid ! An absolute superstar of the Geerinckx family, dam and granddam of winners, champions and superprocducers!