Wittenbuik Rani
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B10-3047158, WITTENBUIK RANI, bred by Gaby Vandenabeele from his superproducer B01-3031065, KLEINE WITTENBUIK, son founder of the loft WITTENBUIK and PROVINCIAALKE. His dam is B09-3095237, RANI, new superproducer from B02-3003592, DIRK, 12th Limoges 9.856 birds, 83rd Chateauroux 6.071 birds, 12th Limoges 21.409 birds, son of B96-3156377, GOLDEN LADY WITTENBUIK and DIRK was paired to LISA, B04-3069722, daughter BLIKSEM and FRIEDA. Super inbred Wittenbuik cock !